MEET Kevin future mp of parkland,

Hey, I'm Kevin Schulthies

Born and Raised In Parkland County

Kevin Schulthies works as an independent marketing force. He is a life-long entrepreneur, interested in getting results by working hard and smart.

Raised on a horse farm west of Stony Plain in Keephills and in a “Black Collar” coal mining family, Kevin understands the challenges of trade work, farm life, all things tech and marketing and being part of a large rural district.

Some of Kevin’s main concerns are: freedome of speech (if you can't bring light to issues then nothing else matters) inflation, which is a ‘hidden tax’, converting CRA charities' assets from public back into private, proportional representation (with a “Made in Canada” approach) and the amazing platform of tax reform through the fair tax (100% of your paycheck in your hands, you choose when to pay tax

Kevin believes it’s time to employ time-tested, principle-based practices to fix our families, communities, and ultimately our nation to the benefit of all the world and to the Glory of Christ.

Freedom of Speech

Free 20,000+ Churches from the government ownership / censorship (separate the State from Church), See: Revocation Tax

Fair Tax - Elimination of majority of all taxes. You come home with 100% of your paycheck and decide when and where you pay taxes. No more Income Tax

Fair Election System - Election Reform - Proportional Representation (anything but the harmful and dated first past the post)


Dealing with ROOT issues

Freedom of Speech

Without Freedom of speech all other topics can not be discussed, light brought to shine onto evils, or praise what is praise worthy.

  • Free up from and Elimination of censorship laws that limit communication

  • Free up the government owner ship and accompanying censorship on charities and churches to free them up to be as effective as they choose to be

  • Free up and Elimination of government Finical involvement in ANY of our media

  • Free up Canadians and Elimination of needless censorship lists like the QCJO's "Qualified Canadian journalism organizations"

  • Free to Choose

Free up Our Churches from Ownership and thus Censorship the Civil Government of Canada

Because of the little known "REVOCATION TAX" 20,000+ of Our Churches ( of aprox 80 000 charities) are OWNED and operated by the civil Government of Canada, and because of such, they are hindered from speaking either positively for anything or calling out evils and wrongs that are Civil Governments are doing. It is a list of every changing obligations, mandates and rules, that our churches volunteerly enslaved themself to because of the love of money (increase donations when you can give receipts).
When you lose your Charity status you lose ALL your buildings and assets etc thus, they stay tight lipped , and lose their saltiness, their light, and their purpose.

CHP and I have multiple possible solutions to free the church. (Our Fair tax act, annulment requests and more)

(above) Ai picture representing Jeremiah 32, Redeeming our Church and buying back our buildings and land (the revocation tax) because the church made bad agreements in the past (ie being a charity)

Voter Reform

Voter Reform

Conduct mock interview sessions to help clients improve their interviewing skills. Offer feedback on their responses, body language, and overall interview performance. Share tips and strategies for handling different types of interviews, including behavioral and technical interviews.

Fair Tax

Develop a tailored job search strategy for each client, including guidance on networking, utilizing job search platforms, and targeting specific industries or companies. Provide resources and templates for cover letters, thank-you notes, and follow-up emails.


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Frequently Asked Questions

We understand. There's a lot of common questions.

Question 2: Why a Christian Political Party?

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Question 3: What about Separation of Church and State? How will you handle that?

Many believe that there should be no church or religion in politics, A 100% separation of church and state. What they fail to realize is that politics is basically how to govern people (including ones self) , and the bible is from start to finish and its purpose is to educate us on how we are to govern our self and work as groups of people. The bible is the MANUAL for life and stands for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth :) We are to Love the Lord our God and to Love others. That there is the foundation of what ALL instructions or what most people would consider laws, mandates, policies, and yes, These two principles , are absolutes as was intended in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms "Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law".

So all our platform pieces, and everything should always reflect and be in line with biblical principles. The seperation of church in state does indeed need to happen, but not the way people assume it should be. The government needs to stay out of church business, stop it's control and ownership over churches (ie CRA charities) The CRA does not intend nor ever will mandate "church" or other religious beliefs onto people, it's quite the opposite, we intend to fight for more FREEDOMs sake.

Question 4: What about Splitting the Vote?

Firstly, if you vote with your conscious there's no concerns for voting for the lesser evils or the enemy of your enemy. The current first past the post voting system is broken and in fact causes issues. Your vote either counts for very little if your wish to vote for your favorite MP, or an indipendent or smaller party, or you have to strategize and vote for the enemy of your enemy and vote for "the lessor evil" between two bad choices...but of course you are fearful that the really bad guys get in, so you , out of fear and lack of faith vote for the slightly less bad guy and hope for the best.

My suggestion, is if you don't study history, if all you do is occationally (or alot) consume government subsidised media, please just don't vote. Despite the talk that its your right and duty to vote, my suggestion is unless you really know what you're doing and voting reasons, don't vote. You're more likely to be starting fires and being destructive.

There's Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt. It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt.I doubt that either of these statements was said by Lincoln or Twain. When I mentioned this adage to a friend he claimed that it was in the Bible, but it does not sound very Biblical to me. Would you please explore this topic?Reply from Quote Investigator: There is a biblical proverb that expresses a similar idea, namely Proverbs 17:28. Here is the New International Version followed by the King James Version of this verse:1Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

About Kevin and the CHP

I Learned of the CHP, Christian Heritage Party of Canada back in 2015 when researching to how to become a better citizen of my country and my faith and CHP helps with Both.

What sets us apart is ...

Future MP of Parkland

Watch me go through my top issues

Kevin Schulthies CHP PARKLAND EDA / Riding

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Want to work with us?

Would love anyone willing to serve Lord and want to help assist in giving people a chance to vote for a God Honoring and Christ as it's bedrock of a platform





Copyright 2025. Parkland Riding EDA Electoral District. All Rights Reserved. All Photos unless otherwise credited have been taking by Me, Kevin Schulthies over many years, or Fun I had with AI assisted art

Website Designed by: Kevin Schulthies as part of my platform - Happy to help you spread your message